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What Are Terpenes?

One of the benefits of utilizing full-spectrum CBD products like the ones our Colorado-based CBD company produces is that you get to experience the entourage effect. That means that along with the benefits of CBD, you also experience the benefits of a full range of naturally occurring terpenes and other canninbiods.

In today’s blog post, we’re diving into terpenes — a large and diverse class of organic compounds that are found in many different plants, including the hemp plant. We’ll answer a few common questions such as what are terpenes and how do they work as well as provide a general overview of the different flavors some terpenes impart. Continue reading to learn more and if you’re ready to discover the Herbal Infusions difference, browse our collections today.

What Are Terpenes?

Like we said earlier, terpenes occur naturally in a variety of plants. In the cannabis plant, terpenes are secreted from the same glands that produce cannabinoids like THC and CBD. Terpenes are aromatic oils, and they provide the rich color of different cannabis varieties as well as their distinctive flavors like citrus and pine. 

Terpenes developed as a way to repel predators and lure in pollinators, and there are many different factors that influence the type of terpenes a plant products. These factors can include climate, weather, soil, and even the age of the plant. 

Over 100 different terpenes have been identified in the cannabis plant. We’ll say that again — 100 different terpenes! When you choose to buy products that are pure CBD extract, you’re missing out on these incredible, naturally-occurring terpenes. Some terpenes promote relaxation, while others promote focus and acuity. The effect of any given terpene in a plant depends on the other terpenes and cannabinoids present, which is called the ‘entourage effect.’

Here at Herbal Infusions, we create special blends of terpenes to achieve particular health goals, such as our focus or relax blends.

Terpene Flavors & Effects

When choosing cannabis products, its useful to have a general understanding of the most common terpenes. 


Terpinolene is a terpene that is also found in nutmeg, tea,  and cumin. This terpene imparts a smoky, herbal smell.


Botanical sources for this terpene include lemongrass, rose, and chamomile. It imparts a floral, citrusy smell.


You can guess the aromatic profile of this terpene from its name. It’s a citrusy, slightly bitter terpene that can also be found in citrus fruits and the mint plant. 


This terpene is a sharp, sweet, fresh, and piny smell and can be found in pine trees and rosemary.

Herbal Infusions – Full-Spectrum CBD Products

When you choose to shop at Colorado-based Herbal Infusions, you get to benefit from our full-spectrum hemp extract — which includes terpenes! We engineer our CBD products with nature in mind and use organic products as much as possible. We ensure that all of our CBD products offer effective dosing levels at an affordable price. Browse our CBD products today!

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